SEASON 2019-2020


  1. Issue of Home Match Ticket


1.1The issue of a Home Match Ticket and subsequent access to the Ground is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Entry (as may be amended from time to time and which can be found on or accessed via the Website or can be provided upon written request to the Club).


1.2Home Match Tickets are for the use of supporters of the Club only. By applying for the Home Match Ticket and/or using the same you hereby warrant and represent that you are a supporter of the Club and/or that you are not a supporter of the Visiting Club.


1.3The Club, as selling agent for and on behalf of ASMCL licenses you to use Home Match Tickets. As a result, ASMCL will have all of the rights and obligations of the Club under these Terms and Conditions and your rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions shall lie against ASMCL only.


1.4The Home Match Ticket remains the property of the Club at all times. The Home Match Ticket may be cancelled by the Club at any time without providing any reason. A refund will be given to you, in the absolute discretion of the Club and/or in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of Entry, in the event of any such cancellation.


1.5The use of any automated software or computer system to search for, reserve, buy or otherwise obtain Home Match Tickets (including sending information from your computer to another computer where such software or system is active) is strictly prohibited. If the Club reasonably believes that you have searched for, reserved, bought or otherwise obtained Home Match Tickets using, or with the assistance of, such software, the Club may cancel your Home Match Tickets (and any subsequent Home Match Tickets purchased by you) without payment of any refund. If you hold a Membership Card, the Club may also cancel that Membership Card (and all associated benefits) without payment of any refund of the Fee to you. If you have any queries about this, you may contact the Arsenal box office. The use of such software to search for, reserve, buy or otherwise obtain Home Match Tickets may amount to a criminal offence under the Computer Misuse Act 1990 or the Breaching of Limits on Ticket Sales Regulations 2018 and the Club reserves the right to inform the police if it reasonably believes that a Home Match Ticket has been purchased using such software.


1.6In the event of any Home Match Ticket issued under these Terms and Conditions becoming lost or stolen, you must inform the Club immediately. In addition, if any Home Match Ticket is stolen, you must also inform the police immediately.


  1. Admission to the Ground


2.1By purchasing and/or accepting and/or holding a Home Match Ticket and/or using a Home Match Ticket to gain access to the Ground, you: (a) certify that you have read, understood and accepted; (b) agree to be bound by and to comply with; and (c) agree to bring to the attention of others, as required below, the Terms & Conditions of Entry.


2.2The Home Match Ticket shall only entitle the User to gain admission to the Ground after it has been validated by the control readers located at the appropriate turnstiles. The Ground access steward(s) have strict instructions to, and will, refuse admission to any person in the event that such person’s Home Match Ticket is not so validated by such control readers.


2.3All persons (including children) must have a valid card or ticket when entering the Ground. The Club will not allow children (or any other person) to be carried through the turnstiles without a valid card or ticket for the Match.


2.4A Home Match Ticket permits you to occupy at the Match the seat indicated on the Home Match Ticket or stated on the confirmation receipt/email of purchase in respect of your electronic entry card or such other alternative seat of equivalent value as the Club may, from time to time, allocate to you at its reasonable discretion. All access to the Ground pursuant to a Home Match Ticket shall be for the purposes of private enjoyment of the Match only, not for any commercial purpose (and no authorisation is given or implied in respect of the carrying out of any commercial activities).


2.5Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall constitute or imply any entitlement to occupy the seat indicated on the Home Match Ticket or ticket confirmation in any subsequent match or season.


2.6Save as set out in clause 2.7 below, you shall not capture, log, record, transmit, play, issue, show or otherwise communicate (by digital or other means) any Material in relation to the Match, any players or other persons present in the Ground and/or the Ground, nor may you bring into the Ground or use within the Ground (or provide to, facilitate or otherwise assist another person to use within the Ground) any equipment or technology which is capable of capturing, logging, recording, transmitting, playing, issuing, showing or otherwise communicating (by digital or other means) any such Material. Any person acting in breach of this provision may have such equipment or technology confiscated and/or will be required to deliver up any tapes, films, disks, memory cards, memory sticks or other recordings of the Material (and all copies thereof) in whatever form, to the PL and/or the Club. In addition, the Club reserves the right to eject you from the Ground in circumstances where you breach this paragraph 2.6.


2.7Mobile telephones and other similar mobile devices are permitted within the Ground PROVIDED THAT (a) they are used for personal and private use only (which, for the avoidance of doubt and by way of example only, shall not include the capturing, logging, recording, transmitting, playing, issuing, showing, or any other communication of any Material for any commercial purposes); and (b) no Material that is captured, logged, recorded, transmitted, players, issued, shown or otherwise communicated by a mobile telephone or other mobile device may be published or otherwise made available to any third parties including, without limitation, via social networking sites.


2.8The copyright, database right and all other rights, title and interest in and to all Material that you produce at the Ground in relation to the Match, any players or other persons present in the Ground and/or the Ground (whether produced in breach of clause 2.6 above, or pursuant to clause 2.7 above, or otherwise) is hereby assigned to the PL and the Club including by way of present assignment of future copyright pursuant to section 91 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. You further agree (if and whenever required to do so by the PL and/or the Club) to promptly execute all instruments and to do all things necessary to vest the right, title and interest in such rights to the PL and the Club absolutely and with full title guarantee.


2.9Save for official Club merchandise and/or other football related clothing worn in good faith, you shall not bring into, use, wear or display within the Ground any sponsorship, promotional or marketing materials.


2.10You shall not offer or distribute (either free or for sale by any person) within the Ground any consumer article or commercial product of any nature. For the avoidance of doubt this clause shall not prevent the lawful distribution of text publications in any format which do not infringe clause 2.9 above where both the content and the publication are lawful in all respects and do not in the Club’s reasonable opinion constitute a threat to public order.


2.11The Club reserves the right to refuse admission to, or eject from, the Ground any person who fails to comply with the Terms and Conditions of Entry.


2.12Without prejudice to the representation at clause 1.2 above, and in light of the Home Match Ticket holders being grouped together in designated areas, any attempt to gain access to the Ground wearing or carrying apparel (including, without limitation, hats and/or scarves) that demonstrates support for the Visiting Club, may result in admission being refused or you being ejected from the Ground and in such circumstances no refund or alternative seat will be offered.


  1. Use of Home Match Ticket


3.1Subject to clause 3.3 below, the Home Match Ticket is issued for your sole use and you shall not sell, dispose of, assign, transfer, lend or otherwise deal with the Home Match Ticket or the benefit of it to any other person without the prior written consent of the Club. Further you shall not use the Home Match Ticket for any commercial purpose. The reference to selling the Home Match Ticket includes where, in the Club’s reasonable opinion, a User: (a) offers or attempts and/or takes preparatory steps, to sell a Home Match Ticket (including, without limitation, via any website or online auction site); (b) exposes or attempts and/or takes preparatory steps to expose, a Home Match Ticket for sale; (c) makes, or attempts and/or takes preparatory steps to expose a Home Match Ticket available for sale by another person; (d) advertises that a Home Match Ticket is available for purchase.


3.2The Home Match Ticket may not be: (a) offered as a prize in any promotion or competition or transferred, assigned, lent or sold to any third party as part of a hospitality or travel package; (b) given (or offered to be given) to a person who pays or agrees to pay for another good or service; or (c) used for any other commercial purpose, all save as expressly authorised by the PL or the Club.


3.3If more than one Home Match Ticket is issued to you, one Home Match Ticket must be retained by you for personal use (subject to the provisions below) and the remainder may be transferred to a Guest(s) for his/her/their personal use only, PROVIDED THAT:


(A)               such transfer takes place in consideration of no payment or benefit in excess of the face value of the Home Match Ticket;


(B)               such transfer does not take place in the course of any business or for the purpose of facilitating any third party’s business;


(C)               such transfer to any Guest(s) will be subject to the Terms and Conditions of Entry which will (save for any rights to transfer under this clause or any rights to a refund under clause 5.2) apply to and bind each Guest as if he/she was the original purchaser of the Home Match Ticket (and you must inform the Guest(s) of this); and


(D)               you will provide the name and address of your Guest(s) when asked to do so by any official, steward or employee of the Club and/or any police officer.


3.4You shall be responsible for any breach by a User of the Terms and Conditions of Entry. In the event that any User breaches any Terms and Conditions of Entry, you and that User shall each be held liable for such breach.


3.5The Home Match Ticket will remain the property of the Club at all times and must be produced together with evidence of your identity if required to do so by any official, steward or employee of the Club or any police officer. The Club reserves the right to require the immediate return of the Home Match Ticket at any time.


3.6Any Home Match Ticket obtained or used in breach of the Terms and Conditions of Entry shall be automatically void and all rights conferred or evidenced by such Home Match Ticket shall be nullified. Any person seeking to use a Home Match Ticket in breach of the Terms and Conditions of Entry in order to gain entry to the Ground or remain at the Match will be considered to be a trespasser and will be refused entry to, or ejected from, the Ground in respect of the Match and/or may have his/her Home Match Ticket suspended, cancelled or withdrawn. In the event of any suspension, cancellation or withdrawal in accordance with this clause 3.6 no refund shall be payable. The Club further reserves its right to take any legal or disciplinary action against any person(s) as it sees fit in connection with such matters, including a claim for an account of any profits made from an unauthorised use of a Home Match Ticket.


3.7Any User, acting alone or with others, whose conduct, or incitement of others, results in disciplinary or legal action against the Club by any Football Authority or any relevant law enforcement authorities, shall be both individually responsible and liable, and collectively responsible and liable with you, to the Club for any loss the Club thereby suffers. The User shall also be both individually responsible and liable, and collectively responsible and liable with you, to the Club for any loss the Club suffers as a result of the behaviour of a third party gaining access to the Match using the ticket with the User’s permission.


3.8The unauthorised sale or disposal of a Home Match Ticket may amount to a criminal offence, including under section 166 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, as amended by the Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006, and such sale or disposal is also illegal under the terms of section 2 of the Fraud Act 2006. The Club may inform the police when it becomes aware that ticket(s) have been sold or disposed of illegally and will press for charges to be brought against those breaking the law. We may also notify the PL about ticket touting activities relating to you, who may in turn notify other football clubs, event holders, any Football Authority and/or the relevant law enforcement authorities. We may also notify other football clubs directly. Similarly, the Club may receive information from the police, the PL and other football clubs relating to


ticket touting activities elsewhere in the UK. The information that may be collected and shared by the Club and the above third parties could include personal data such as your name, contact details, image, data relating to criminal offences and your past ticket activity and purchases (including payment details). The Club processes this information where necessary to identify and prevent ticket touting activities, which is in our legitimate interests and the interests of other football clubs. The processing may also be necessary in order to prevent or detect unlawful acts. For more information about how we handle personal data and your rights you can refer to our Privacy Policy or contact our Data Protection Officer at dpo@arsenal.co.uk.


3.9By entering the Ground, all persons acknowledge that photographic images and/or audio, visual and/or audio-visual recordings and/or feeds (and/or stills taken therefrom) may be taken of them and may also be used, by way of example and without limitation, in televised coverage of the game or by the Club, any other Club Group Company and/or any Football Authority or others (including commercial partners and accredited media organisations), in perpetuity, by way of any present or future media, for marketing, editorial, training, or promotional purposes or for any other purpose deemed reasonable by the Club. All persons further acknowledge that photographic images and/or audio, visual and/or audio-visual recordings and/or feeds (and/or stills taken therefrom) may be used (by the Club or by a third party, such as a law enforcement body) to identify them as an individual, where permitted by data protection laws, for the purposes of preventing or detecting crime, or any breach of the Terms and Conditions of Entry.


3.10All persons attending Matches acknowledge that the Matches are public events. The appearance and actions of the persons attending inside and in the perimeter of the Ground are public in nature and all persons attending agree that they shall have no expectation of privacy with regard to their actions or conduct at the Matches.


3.11Further to clause 3.9 above, if such person is under 18 years of age, the parent, guardian or responsible adult who is accompanying them into the Ground shall be deemed to have provided consent on their behalf.


3.12If a User is not 16 years old or over, his/her parent(s) and/or guardian(s) are also responsible for his/her actions, conduct and compliance with these Terms and Conditions.


  1. Pricing and ticket information


Whilst the Club tries to ensure that pricing and ticketing information on the Website is correct at all times, errors may occasionally occur. If the Club discovers an error in the price or nature of the ticket the Club has ordered, the Club will inform you as soon as reasonably practicable, and give you the option of reconfirming your order at the correct price/specification or cancelling it. If the Club is unable to contact you, it will unfortunately have to treat the order as cancelled. If the order is cancelled, the Club will of course provide you with a full refund (including booking fees). Please note that it is your responsibility to check the relevant ticket delivery method and the relevant booking and/or delivery fees (if any), as these may change on a Match-by-Match basis.


  1. Changes to dates, refunds and exchanges


5.1No guarantees can be given by the Club that the Match will take place at a particular time or on a particular date. The Club reserves the right to reschedule the Match or, if necessary, play the Match out of view of the public, without notice and without any liability whatsoever.


5.2In the event of the postponement or abandonment of the Match (or if the Match has, for any reason, to be played out of view of the public), you will be entitled to receive a full refund (including any booking and/or administration fee) on tickets purchased direct from the Club or its authorised agent or receive the equivalent ticket for the subsequent re-arranged Match (if any) via such application procedure as the Club stipulates, subject to any and all applicable terms and conditions. The Club will have no further, or other, liability whatsoever, including (but not limited to) for any indirect or consequential loss or damage including (but not limited to) loss of enjoyment or travel or accommodation costs.


5.3Subject to paragraph 5.4 below, in order to obtain a refund on the Home Match Ticket, in accordance with paragraph 5.2 above, a written request must be received by the Club’s box office no later than 72 hours prior to the time of the advertised kick off of the Match. A refund (excluding booking and administration fees and subject to a cancellation fee) will only be issued on production of identification that the individual requesting the refund is the person to whom the Home Match Ticket was originally sold. For the avoidance of doubt, the final decision belongs to the Club.


5.4As any Home Match Ticket(s) obtained through the “Ticket Exchange Service” are purchased from the seller (rather than the Club), the Club will not be liable for any refunds of tickets purchased through the Ticket Exchange Service.


5.5The Club does not guarantee that the team for the Match will necessarily only be selected from the Club’s regular First Team players. The team manager may consider it desirable on occasions to omit regular First Team players and select the team from the full playing squad.


  1. Any lost or stolen Home Match Tickets


6.1In order to gain admission to the Ground, the relevant Home Match Ticket must be presented in its entirety at the Match.


6.2The Club is not responsible for any Home Match Ticket which is forgotten, lost, stolen, defaced, damaged or destroyed. If the Home Match Ticket is forgotten, lost, stolen, defaced, damaged or destroyed, a duplicate card or ticket may be issued to you, at the Club’s discretion, upon payment by you to the Club of a non-refundable administration fee of £10.00 at the Club’s match day ticket office. The Club reserves the right to require proof of identity and/or withdraw this duplicate ticket facility for the Match without notice. Please note that it is your responsibility to contact the Club and/or visit the Club’s match day ticket office on a Match day in the event that you do not have access to your Home Match Ticket for that Match.


  1. Cancellation and withdrawal of Home Match Ticket


7.1The Club may remove you and/or any User from the Ground whom it, acting reasonably:


(A)               believes to be the subject of a banning or other order prohibiting him/her from entering the Ground or any other stadium;


(B)               considers to be using, or have used, any rude, threatening or abusive language or behaviour to, or in respect of, any contractor, employee or agent of the Club, or any other spectator (including, without limitation, any language or behaviour relating to an individual’s or group’s colour, race, nationality, ethnic or national origins, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, age or disability);


(C)               considers to be in breach, be likely to breach, or have breached, any other provision of the Terms and Conditions of Entry; or


(D)               believes to be behaving in such a manner as will, or is likely to, cause a hazard to safety or security, or cause any contravention by such person or the Club of (a) any laws or regulations, including the terms of any health and safety, operating or other certificate, licence, consent, permit, approval or other authorisation, applicable to such person or entity or the Ground, or (b) any restrictions imposed by the police or any other relevant authority in relation to the Match from time to time.


7.2Without prejudice to any other remedies it may have, the Club shall have the right at its absolute discretion to:


(A)               suspend for a period determined by the Club, withdraw indefinitely or cancel any Home Match Ticket(s) associated with a User’s Membership (including without limitation, use of the Home Match Ticket(s) and all other related benefits);


(B)                exclude (indefinitely or for a period determined by the Club) a User from using and/or applying to purchase any future Home Match Ticket (including any associated benefits);


(C)               provide the police and any other relevant authorities including FIFA, UEFA, the FA, the PL, the Football League and/or any other football clubs with relevant information,


in any of the following circumstances:


(i)                  any serious or persistent breach by a User of these Terms and Conditions or the Terms and Conditions of Entry (or the Club has reasonable grounds to suspect such breach); and/or


(ii)                the Club reasonably suspects that entry into the Ground by the User will result in a serious breach of these Terms and Conditions, the Terms and Conditions of Entry or the terms and conditions of any other Club-related scheme.


7.3In the event of such cancellation, withdrawal, refusal and/or ejection pursuant to clauses 7.1 and/or 7.2, no refund will be paid. Without prejudice to the general nature of the above, the following actions shall each constitute a serious breach of the Terms & Conditions of Entry by a User and shall enable the Club to exercise its rights as described in clauses 8.1 and 8.2 above (as the case may be):


(A)               smoking (including the use of electronic cigarettes or vaporisers);


(B)               being (or appearing to be) drunk or intoxicated;


(C)               persistent standing in seated areas whilst the Match is in progress;


(D)               the sale or transfer (save as permitted) of a Home Match Ticket to any person;


(E)               the deliberate misuse of a Home Match Ticket;


(F)                any misrepresentation in relation to clause 1.2 above;


(G)              the possession of a banner or flag that bears material or slogans that are offensive, obscene, abusive or racist;


(H)               the throwing of any object within the Ground that may cause injury, damage, distress or annoyance to people or property without lawful authority or excuse;


(I)                  whether at the Ground, or travelling to a Match:


(i)                  the use of foul, obscene, abusive and/or racist language and/or gestures;


(ii)                the chanting of anything of an indecent or racist nature;


(iii)               fighting, or engaging in and/or inciting violence;


(J)                bringing any of the following into the Ground (or using them within the Ground): illegal drugs; other illegal substances; fireworks; firecrackers; smoke canisters; air horns; flares; laser devices; drones; bottles; glass vessels or any item that might be used as a weapon or compromise public safety;


(K)               entering the playing area or any adjacent area to which spectators are not generally admitted without lawful authority or excuse;


(L)                the supply of any misleading or incorrect information in any application;


(M)              breach of the terms of any Membership Scheme;


(N)               any breach of clause 2.6, 2.7, 2.9 or 2.10 above; and


(O)              any failure to pay or default of payment in respect of any sums owing to the Club (or any third party) in respect of any Home Match Ticket.


7.4The Club may conduct security searches where it has reason to believe that any of the breaches set down in clauses 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 have either occurred or may occur.


7.5The Club will not tolerate racial, homophobic or discriminatory abuse in any form. The Club wants the atmosphere at the Ground to be welcoming to all who attend its games. Any User who is caught abusing a player or any other individual in the Ground will face arrest and prosecution by the police and a lengthy ban from the Club. In addition, the Home Match Ticket will be immediately withdrawn and no refund will be given.


7.6The Home Match Ticket may be suspended, withdrawn and/or cancelled without the payment of any refund to you, in the event that:


(A)               the User is under investigation by the Police, charged, cautioned or found guilty of any football related offence anywhere in the world, is ejected and/or banned from the Ground or any other sports stadium anywhere in the world or breaches any of these Terms and Conditions;


(B)               prior to or whilst the User is using the Home Match Ticket, the User is under investigation by the Police, charged, cautioned or found guilty of any football related offence anywhere in the world, is ejected and/or banned from the Ground or any other sports stadium anywhere in the world or breaches any of these Terms and Conditions; or


(C)               the Club has reasonable grounds to suspect that you have searched for, reserved, bought or otherwise obtained the Home Match Ticket with the intention of selling or transferring it in breach of these Terms and Conditions.


7.7Without prejudice to the rights of the Club under this clause 7, the Club shall be entitled to terminate these Terms and Conditions (and cancel any Home Match Tickets) with immediate effect by notice in writing to you in the event that you are at any time, or any other User is, at the time he/she enters the Ground, subject to a banning or other order prohibiting him/her from entering the Ground or any other stadium.


7.8The User must immediately surrender the Home Match Ticket upon request by a Club official or a police officer.


7.9In the event that your Home Match Ticket is withdrawn or cancelled in accordance with this Clause 7:


(A)               No refund shall be payable to you and/or a User (as the case may be) in respect of any Home Match Ticket. The Club further reserves the right to take any legal and/or disciplinary action against any persons as it sees fit in connection with such matters including a claim for an account of profits made from an unauthorised use of the Home Match Ticket;


(B)               the Club reserves the right to exclude you and/or any User (as the case may be) from any Membership Scheme and/or to disqualify you and/or any User (as the case may be) from applying for any match ticket or season ticket at its discretion and to notify any Football Authority and/or other football clubs of such exclusion and/or disqualification (and the reason(s) for such exclusion and/or disqualification); and


(C)               the Club reserves the right to re-sell any seat relating to a Home Match Ticket to a third party immediately following the cancellation or withdrawal of the relevant Home Match Ticket(s).


7.10In the event that the Home Match Ticket (and/or the benefits and rights associated with the same) are suspended in accordance with this Clause 7:


(A)               no refund shall be payable to you and/or any User (as the case may be) in respect of the period of suspension. The Club further reserves its right to take any legal and/or disciplinary action against any persons as it sees fit in connection with such matters including a claim for an account of profits made from an unauthorised use of the Home Match Ticket; and


(B)               the Club reserves the right to sell the seat associated with the Home Match Ticket to a third party for the period of suspension of the Home Match Ticket.


  1. Undertakings


8.1You shall, and shall procure that any User shall, at all times:


(A)               use the Ground in a proper and lawful manner and not so as to cause any nuisance, annoyance or inconvenience to the Club or any other person (including any other spectators or visitors to the Ground or local residents) or to render void or voidable, in part or whole, any insurance maintained by the Club in respect of the Ground; and


(B)               ensure that the Ground is not damaged (fair wear and tear excepted).


8.2You shall not make, and will procure that no other User makes, without the prior written consent of the Club, any public statement or announcement linking, or implying any relationship between, or engage in any marketing, advertising or promotional activity which links, or implies any relationship between, you and the Club.


  1. Security


The Club shall take all reasonable precautions to maintain the security of the Ground between Matches but it shall not be responsible in any way for the loss of, or damage to, any property of you (or any other User) in the Ground (including, without limitation, any property left behind by you (or any other User) in the Ground). Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Club shall be entitled to dispose of any property left behind by you or any other User in the Ground.


  1. Unavailability of seats


10.1The Club reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to allocate to you an alternative seat anywhere in the Ground, including (but without limiting the circumstances when that discretion may be exercised):


(A)               when the stand or part of the stand in which the Ticket seat allocated is located is closed for repairs, maintenance or re-building;


(B)               to comply with the requirements of any Football Authority;


(C)               when the visiting club is allocated the entire or any part of the stand at the Ground due to be occupied by you; or


(D)               when the Club, the police or any other relevant authority or Football Authority otherwise considers it desirable in the interests of safety, crowd control or other Club requirements to re-allocate the seat.


10.2As far as possible, details of any re-allocation of the seat to which the Ticket applies will be notified on the Website and, where practicable, in advance in the Club’s home Match day programme.


  1. Repairs and maintenance


11.1The Club will be responsible for carrying out all repairs and maintenance (including ordinary cleaning and rubbish removal) to the Ground provided that the Club will not accept liability for, and shall not be in breach of its obligations by reason of, any breakages or defects to any part of the Ground which are not the result of fair wear and tear or are caused by the acts or omissions of any User or any other person in possession of a Home Match Ticket. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Club will not be liable for and will not be in breach of its obligations by reason of any breakages in, or defects to, the Ground if, pursuant to clause 10 or otherwise, it provides you with an alternative seat (or seats) at the Ground or any other stadium where the First Team plays its home football matches in any competition.


11.2The Club has the right to charge you for the cost of repairs, maintenance, replacement or cleaning of any part of the Ground to which you (or any other User) have access, or any fixtures or fittings therein, resulting from any act or omission of you (or any other User) other than as a result of fair wear and tear.


11.3The Club and each of its employees, agents or contractors shall have the right at any time to carry out emergency repairs to any part of the Ground to which you (or any other User) has access, or any fixtures or fittings therein, or any adjoining property of the Club, and to suspend access to such areas of the Ground as necessary.


  1. Use of concessionary tickets


12.1Concessionary priced Home Match Tickets may only be used by persons that qualify for such Home Match Tickets, as follows:


(A)               “Junior Gunner” Home Match Tickets may only be used by persons who will be aged 4 to 16 at 31 August of the relevant Season;


(B)               “Cannon” Home Match Tickets may only be used by persons who will be aged 17 or 18 at 31 August of the relevant Season; and


(C)               “Senior Citizen” Home Match Tickets may only be used by persons who will be aged 65 or over at 31 August of the relevant Season.


12.2Any person entering, seeking to enter or having entered the Ground with a concessionary priced Home Match Ticket in circumstances where such person is not entitled to such concession will be refused entry to, or ejected from, the Ground and will have the Home Match Ticket withdrawn.


  1. Disabled Members


13.1This Clause 13 applies to you if you have a Home Match Ticket and are registered with the Club as a disabled Member.


13.2You must bring your Home Match Ticket with you to the Match. Your personal assistant must also bring their relevant Membership Card with them to the Match.


13.3Personal assistants must not attend the Match on their own or with any non-disabled person. If you are unable to attend the Match please notify the Disability Liaison Team as soon as possible so that we can sell or donate your place to another disabled supporter, a charity or local disability organisation.


13.4You must bring a form of personal identification with you when attending the Ground.


13.5Please note that stewards and Club staff will be carrying out checks of tickets. All proven abuses of the disabled supporter’s concessionary scheme will be dealt with severely and will result in the loss of your ticket and/or Membership Card. It may also result in criminal prosecution.


13.6Contact details for the Disability Liaison Team are as follows (and may be updated from time to time on the Website):


                      Tel - +44(0) 20 7619 5050 (Mon to Fri 9.30am to 5pm)


                      Email - disability@arsenal.co.uk


                      Matchday Contact Number - +44(0) 20 7619 5003


  1. Exclusion of liability


14.1The Club only provides you with use of the Home Match Ticket for your domestic and private use and you agree not to use the Home Match Ticket for any commercial or business purposes, and the Club has no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption or loss of business opportunity.


14.2If the Club fails to comply with these Terms and Conditions, the Club is responsible for loss or damage you suffer that is a foreseeable result of our breach of these Terms and Conditions or the Club’s negligence, but the Club is not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable. Loss or damage is foreseeable if it is an obvious consequence of the Club’s breach or if it was contemplated by you and the Club at the time that you purchased the Home Match Ticket.


14.3Neither the PL nor the Club shall be responsible for any interruptions and/or restrictions to the view of the Match caused by virtue of (i) the position of the seat and/or (ii) the actions of other spectators.


14.4Except as otherwise set out in these Terms and Conditions, and to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the Club shall not have any liability in respect of any failure to carry out, or any delay in carrying out, any matter in respect of these Terms and Conditions, including admitting you and/or any other User to the Ground for the Match, caused by any circumstances outside the Club’s reasonable control.


14.5Notwithstanding any provision in these Terms and Conditions, the Club does not seek to exclude or limit its liability: (a) for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; (b) for death or personal injury, caused by the Club’s negligence or the negligence of any of its officers, employees or agents; or


(c) under section 2(3) of the Consumer Protection Act 1987; or (d) for any other matter for which it is not possible to exclude or limit liability by law.


  1. General


15.1The Club reserves the right to make changes to any of these Terms and Conditions. Such changes will be notified to the User by being put on display at the Ground and on the Website.


15.2Each User acknowledges that the Club will hold and process data relating to them, which may include personal data, for administrative and legal purposes. The personal data that each User provides to the Club shall be processed, stored and transferred in accordance with the terms of the Club’s privacy policy available on the Website.


15.3The invalidity or partial invalidity of any provision of these Terms and Conditions shall not prejudice or affect the remainder of these Terms and Conditions, which shall continue in full force and effect. If any invalid, unenforceable or illegal provision of these Terms and Conditions would be valid, enforceable and legal if some part of it were deleted, the provision shall apply with the minimum modification necessary to make it legal, valid and enforceable.


15.4You acknowledge that the Club may fulfil any of its obligations under these Terms and Conditions by procuring such fulfilment from another Club Group Company. Each Club Group Company may benefit from the rights granted to the Club under these Terms and Conditions. Other than the foregoing, and with the exception of each Football Authority, no other person other than you or the Club has any rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to rely on or enforce any term of these Terms and Conditions. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall affect any right or remedy of a third party that exists or is available other than as a result of the aforementioned Act.


15.5The Terms and Conditions of Entry constitute the entire agreement between the Club and you in respect of the subject matter and neither the Club nor you shall have any claim or remedy in respect of any statement, representation, warranty or undertaking made by or on behalf of any other party in relation to the subject matter which is not set out therein.


15.6The Club’s failure to exercise, or delay in exercising, any right, power or remedy provided by these Terms and Conditions, the documents referenced herein or by law shall not constitute a waiver of that right, power or remedy.


15.7You do not have a right to cancel your Home Match Ticket under the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013. However, if you are a consumer you have legal rights if the Club does not comply with its obligations in these Terms and Conditions with reasonable care and skill. Advice about your legal rights is available from your local Citizens' Advice Bureau or Trading Standards Office. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions will affect these legal rights.


15.8If there is any conflict, ambiguity or inconsistency between any provision of these Terms and Conditions and any provision of the Ground Regulations, the relevant provision of these Terms and Conditions shall apply.


15.9Please note that these Terms and Conditions are governed by English law. This means that your use of the Home Match Ticket and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it (including in relation to any non-contractual disputes or claims) will be governed by English law. You and we both agree that the courts of England and Wales will have non-exclusive jurisdiction in connection with any such dispute or claim.


  1. Definitions


In these Terms and Conditions, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings:


“ASMCL” means Arsenal Stadium Management Company Limited.


“Club” means The Arsenal Football Club Plc, a company registered in England and Wales under company number 109244 and with its registered office and main trading address at Highbury House, 75 Drayton Park, London, N5 1BU. VAT number: 769 4067 87 GB.


“Club Group Company” means, in respect of The Arsenal Football Club Plc, its holding companies and subsidiaries of its holding companies, and “holding company” and “subsidiary” have the meanings given to them in section 1159 of the Companies Act 2006 and “Club Group Companies” shall be construed accordingly.


“Fee” means the relevant amount (if any) payable on an annual basis by you for your appropriate Membership Scheme (whether Red, Red Lite, Silver, Silver Lite, Gold, Junior Gunners, Junior Gunners Lite, Purple, Cannon or Senior Citizen) as detailed in the application form and on the Website.


“First Team” means the Club’s men’s first XI.


Football Authority” means the PL, the Football Association, the Football Association of Wales, FIFA, UEFA, the Football League and/or any other relevant governing body of association football, and “Football Authorities” shall be construed accordingly.


“Ground” means Emirates Stadium, London N7 7AJ.


“Ground Regulations” means those ground regulations issued by the Club from time to time that set out the terms and conditions upon which spectators are granted entry to the Ground (copies of which are on display at the Ground and on the Website).


“Guest” means a relative, friend, colleague and/or, companion to disabled supporters who would be entitled to purchase a Home Match Ticket under the Terms and Conditions of Entry.


“Home Match Ticket” means the electronic entry card, print at home ticket, printed paper ticket or any other method for entry stipulated by the Club from time to time (and/or any rights arising out of or in connection with the foregoing) for admission to a Match.


“Junior Gunner” means a Member between the ages of 4 and 16.


“Match” means the match at the Ground played by the First Team to which these Terms and Conditions apply.


“Material” means any audio, visual or audio-visual material or any information or data.


“Member” means a member of a Membership Scheme.


“Membership Card” means a card issued by the Club to indicate membership of a Membership Scheme.


“Membership Scheme” means each of the membership schemes of the Club available to fans, the terms and conditions of which are available on the Website.


“PL” means the Football Association Premier League.


“Terms and Conditions” means these terms and conditions governing the issue and use of a Home Match Ticket.


“Terms and Conditions of Entry” means each of the rules and regulations of each Football Authority, the Ground Regulations and these Terms and Conditions, each as may be amended from time to time at the sole discretion of the Club. Any amendments to the Terms and Conditions of Entry will be notified to you either through the respective organisation’s website, or by being put on display at the Ground and through the Website.


“UEFA Competition” means the UEFA Champions League or the UEFA Europa League.


“User” means: (i) you; or (ii) any person who uses the Home Match Ticket in accordance with clause 3.3.


“Visiting Club” means the football club playing against the Club in respect of the Match.


“Website” means the Club’s website, currently www.arsenal.com.











1.1   本网站对所有阿森纳官方中国会员开放,为了您能得到我们完整和准确的服务,您需要在接受我们注册条款的前提下,在本网站注册,且需要提供完整真实的个人信息。

1.2   本网站连接俱乐部全球官网预订和查询系统,提供实时的票价,本系统仅获取上述终端数据库的信息,我们不保证上述终端的数据源,即俱乐部全球官网本身的信息在经过传输后不发生丢失、改变和偏差;即不保证最终的查询时刻完全吻合实际开赛的时间、也不保证最终获取的价格为最终票价。

1.3   鉴于目前通过互联网技术进行获取资料及信息有其局限性,我们仅能确保尽最大的努力去获取准确和完整的信息和价格,但若网站查询结果与本网站专用的出票系统发生偏差,最终将以本网站的出票系统为准。




2.1   本网站不参与球票价格制订,所有球票价格均为阿森纳足球俱乐部全球官网公布的价格,票价范围请参考 http://www.arsenal.com/tickets/member-ticket-prices

2.2   俱乐部尽力确保本网站上的定价与票务信息在任何时候都是正确的,但可能偶尔会出现错误。若俱乐部发现价格或已经确认的订单发生错误,俱乐部将尽快合理切实地通知您,并告诉您正确的价格或给予您重新确认订单的选择。若俱乐部无法联系到您,很遗憾将不得不视作该订单为取消。若订单因俱乐部的原因被取消,将会为您提供全额退款。

2.3   俱乐部保留因实际情况重新安排您所申请的球票等级或位置的权利。如有因此产生的价格差异,俱乐部将根据最终确认的球票价格,根据多退少补的原则,对您之前所支付的球票价格进行操作。

2.4   若发生比赛推迟或取消的情况(或比赛有不得已的原因需要避开公众举行),对于您直接从俱乐部购买的球票,您将有权获得全额退款。或者收到重新安排后的比赛(若举办的话)的相应球票。该球票需要通过俱乐部规定的且符合使用条款的申请程序进行申请,俱乐部将不承担任何进一步的责任包括但不限于任何直接或间接的损失或损害(例如无法观赏比赛、旅行或住宿的损失等)。

2.5   若需要退款,必须在刊登出的比赛日至少四周以前以书面(邮件)形式申请(退款将不包括过程中在相关支付平台涉及的任何退款手续费或因取消而产生的其他费用),且退款申请必须由原先购票的本人申请。为免生疑问,最终决定权归俱乐部所有。具体如下:

a)    如果您已成功完成付款,因个人原因需要取消预订并在比赛日开始前至少四周提出申请,将会为您提供全额退款

b)    如果您在比赛日开始前四周内需要取消预订,此情况下将不会给予退款

2.6   所有球票均为英镑报价,根据中国相关法律和规定,本网站无法以上述外币的形式进行收支,人民币为唯一合法接受的币种。(具体人民币结算金额以当日银行汇率为准;鉴于国内人民币同外币实行浮动汇率,我们将参考银行的汇率和兑汇的成本,制定每天的汇率,其间会同相关的银行回落有微小的差异)




3.1   俱乐部主场球票仅为阿森纳足球俱乐部的支持者所使用,若申请或使用俱乐部主场球票,证明和代表您是阿森纳的支持者,以及并非到访客队的支持者。

3.2   俱乐部主场球票在任何时候都是阿森纳足球俱乐部的财产,俱乐部主场球票可由俱乐部在任何时候无需提供任何理由取消。若发生比赛取消情况,俱乐部将酌情退还球票票款。

3.3   本网站只接受会员资格在有效期内的官方中国会员申请俱乐部主场球票,您只能通过本人的会员账号进行申请及购票,每人每场比赛仅限申请一张球票,暂不接受替他人进行申请。

3.4   您的球票申请通过后, 俱乐部票务部门将通过电子邮件向您发送球票,请您务必提前将球票打印好,并携带纸质球票以进入球场。请您确保自己已经取得合法和有效的旅行证件及签证,球场工作人员有权检查、核对您的球票与证件。

3.5   所有人(包括儿童)必须持有球票入场,俱乐部将不允许任何没有比赛有效球票的人(包括儿童)进入球场。

3.6   主场球票允许您坐在票面或确认单中所显示的座位,或根据俱乐部实际情况分配给您的同等票价的座位,所有主场门票仅为观赏足球比赛所用,不得用于任何商业目的,并且不得在没有授权的情况下开展任何商业活动。

3.7   移动电话或其他移动设备仅用于私人使用,持票人不得在场内用于任何捕获、记录、传输、播放、发布、展示或任何商业用途的使用,或使用任何其他通信方式对比赛中出现的球员或他人进行录像。任何违反此规定的人,俱乐部有权没收录音带、胶片,磁盘、存储卡、记忆棒及其他存储材料。移动电话或其他移动设备所拍摄的任何材料制作的画面不得用于任何第三方包括但不限于社交网络的发布。

3.8   除俱乐部官方商品或任何相关的足球服饰,不得携带、穿着或展示任何赞助商或任何带有促销营销的物品。

3.9   不得在场地内提供或分发(无论是免费或者是折扣)的任何商业性质的产品,为避免引发疑虑,本条款不妨碍任何不侵犯上述条款中所提及的并且不对公共秩序造成威胁的合法的文字出版物以任何形式分发。

3.10 俱乐部保留权利拒绝任何未能遵守俱乐部使用球票与入场条款的人入场的权利。

3.11 在任何主队球迷球票持有者区域,穿戴包括并不仅限于展示对客队支持的帽子、围巾等,俱乐部将有权拒绝您入场,并且在此情况下将不会给予退款或更换您的座位。

3.12 请预先确认本人旅行的行程、时间,充分预留看球时间,部分场次会因转播关系导致延期,细致的安排会减少对您行程的影响;预订时请提供与本人有效护照一致的正确的中文名字的英文拼写,提供旅客本人的性别及护照号码;由于会员自身证件或提供购票信息错误所造成球票预订取消,本网站将不承担任何责任并不予退款。

3.13 请预先管理好本人比赛日当天的行程,预留充分入场时间。如因您自身原因无法在指定地点及有效时间内入场,本网站将不承担任何责任并不予退款。

3.14 如因俱乐部方面原因导致您无法按时取得球票,我们将会为您提供全额退款。俱乐部将不承担任何进一步的责任包括但不限于任何直接或间接的损失或损害(例如无法观赏比赛、旅行或住宿的损失等)。




4.1   购买及使用阿森纳足球俱乐部主场球票代表您愿意遵守阿森纳官方中国会员网站以及阿森纳全球官网上的所有球票使用条款条例。

4.2   阿森纳主场球票仅供您个人使用,您将不得未经俱乐部书面同意的情况下,进行球票的转售、处置、分发、转让、出借或其他对主场门票进行的交易。并且不得将球票用于任何商业用途,包括提供任何售卖主场球票(包括但不限于通过任何网站售卖或在线拍卖)。以及任何曝露自己出售主场球票的行为,制作球票出售或刊登售卖主场的广告。

4.3   主场球票将不得用于作为任何促销或竞赛的奖品以及转让、分发、出借或出售给第三方作为招待或旅行套餐的一部分。也不得将球票给予或被要求给予任何支付或同意支付的人。不得用于未经俱乐部授权的商业目的的行为。

4.4   若观赛人为未满18岁的未成年人,需在父母、监护人或为其负责的成年人陪同下入场。

4.5   若观赛人为未满16岁的儿童,其父母或监护人也应对其行为进行负责。

4.6   俱乐部不保证参赛的球员仅从常规的一线队球员中选取,球队教练可根据情况不选择一线常规一线队球员而从所有的梯队里选择球员踢比赛。

4.7   为了能够进入场地,请确保整场比赛随时都能出示您的主场球票

4.8   对于任何遗忘、丢失、被盗、损坏或摧毁的主场球票,俱乐部将不承担任何责任。俱乐部有权要求身份证明或有权在不另行通知的情况下取消补发球票。

4.9   俱乐部有权拒绝任何行为不当的球迷入场:

a)    例如使用或已经使用任何粗鲁、威胁性、辱骂性语言或行为,或者不尊重俱乐部的赞助商、职员、代理商和其他的观众(包括但不限于涉及任何有关个人或群体的肤色、种族、国籍、民族、性别、婚姻状况、宗教、年龄和残疾的语言与行为)

b)    例如任何将要或者可能对公众安全造成危害的行为

c)    下列构成严重违约条款的行为,俱乐部有权取消已经发售给您的主场球票

d)    吸烟

e)    醉酒或(看似醉酒)极度兴奋者

f)    在比赛过程中持续在需要坐着的位子区域站立

g)    出售或转让自己的主场球票给他人

h)    恶意使用主场球票

i)     手持令人反感的、带有淫秽、辱骂、种族歧视的标牌横幅或旗帜

j)     投掷任何可能造成伤害、损坏、造成他人困扰或财产损坏的物体

k)    不雅手势或语言

l)     任何不雅(例如带有种族歧视性质)的吟唱

m)   携带非法药物或其他非法物质(如烟花爆竹、鞭炮、烟雾罐、喇叭、照明弹、激光设备、瓶子、玻璃容器)或任何可能被用作武器危及公共安全的物资入场

n)    闯入比赛场地或任何在没有法律允许和授权下不得进入的区域

o)    利用任何设备传递误导和不正确的信息

p)    违反任何会员计划的行为

q)    违反任何球场规定的行为

r)    对于俱乐部未进行主场球票支付

4.10 对于任何违反俱乐部规定的行为,俱乐部有权进行安全搜索

4.11 俱乐部不容忍任何形式的种族歧视、同性恋歧视以及差别对待。俱乐部希望能在球场营造欢迎所有观看比赛的人的气氛。任何在球场侮辱球员或其他个人的人都将面临逮捕、警方的起诉以及俱乐部的长期禁令。此外,主场球票将会立刻被收回且不予退款。

4.12 发生下列情况,您的主场球票将有可能被暂停、收回或者取消,且不予退款:

a)    正在接受警方调查、起诉被警告或者被判有罪关于在世界任何地方与足球有关的罪行,任何违反球场条例或已被其他球场驱逐。

b)    已经或正在使用主场球票的人,正在接受警方调查、起诉被警告或者被判有罪关于在世界任何地方与足球有关的罪行,任何违反球场条例或已被其他球场驱逐。

4.13 因破坏球场规定,主场球票被收回和取消的情况下,俱乐部有权从任何会员计划排除你,取消您球票申请、会员申请的资格并通知任何足球机构或其他足球俱乐部排除您的申请资格。

4.14 俱乐部将采取一切合理的预防措施,以保障球场与地面间的安全,并不对由此产生的您的财产丢失或者遗失负责。俱乐部有权处理任何您或其他人遗留的财产。

4.15 俱乐部保留根据实际情况分配给您在球场任意座位的权利:

a)    当门票分配的座位处于修理、保养或者重建

b)    为了配合足球管理机构的要求

c)    当到访客队被分配在您所处的所有区域或部分区域

d)    当俱乐部、警方或其他任何足球管理局相关认为您所处座位涉及安全性、人群控制或俱乐部要求的情况,会重新分配座位

4.16 俱乐部将尽可能在可行的情况下将重新分配位置的细节于俱乐部主场比赛前公布在网站上。

4.17 俱乐部将对正在进行的维修和保养(包括日常清洁与垃圾清除)负责,但不对任何由持主场球票的人违反规定所产生的超越合理磨损的损坏和瑕疵负责。

4.18 俱乐部有权对由于您引起的超越合理磨损的球场维修、保养、替换或清洁进行收费。

4.19 俱乐部及它的雇员、代理商或承包商有权在任何时间必要的情况下对场地的任何地方进行紧急抢修。

4.20 俱乐部为您提供的球票只供您私人使用,代表您同意不得将球票用于任何商业或商务目的,对于您因此产生的利益损失,业务损失、业务中断、商业机会损失,俱乐部将不承担任何责任。

4.21 若俱乐部本身未能遵守这些条款条件,俱乐部会对您所承受的由违反这些条例引起的可预见的损失或损坏进行负责,但俱乐部不会对不可预见的由此引起的损失或损害负责。

4.22 无论英超或俱乐部都不会对任何由其他观众所引起的干扰观看比赛的行为负责。

4.23 除非另有条款和条件列明,并在最大程度上使用法律,俱乐部将不会对任何未能或延迟执行条款条例的规定的行为负责。

4.24 除了以上条款条例,俱乐部不排除其他限制和责任

a)    欺诈或虚假陈述

b)    由于俱乐部或其官员、工作人员、代理商疏忽导致的死亡或人身伤害

c)    根据1987年消费者权益保护法的内容

d)    对于任何其他不能排除或法律限制责任的行为








6.1   阿森纳官方中国会员主场球票申请服务属于俱乐部为官方中国会员提供的专属服务,由此产生的所有个人旅行及健康相关风险由会员本人自行承担。

6.2   阿森纳足球俱乐部保留对《阿森纳官方中国会员主场球票申请条款及条件》进行修改的权利,修改后的条款于阿森纳官方中国会员网站球票申请页面进行公告后生效。

6.3   阿森纳足球俱乐部保留以上细则的最终解释权。